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Single dishes and savoury pies, pizzas, and focaccias

Unique dishes: a solution for every occasion

In this section, I talk about single dishes, such as focaccias, pizzas, and savoury pies. In short, all those meals that, due to their abundance of ingredients and extraordinary nutritional properties, can replace first courses, second courses, and side dishes in one fell swoop You are spoiled for choice if you consider the centrality that this type of recipe acquires for cuisines all over the world, including Italy. And to think that the recipes you may discover at the page’s bottom just represent a small portion of the options available to all foodies and cooks, however, the options I’ve chosen and am making available to you will help you leave a favourable impression on your guests and set the stage for a sentimental and enjoyable time spent with them. Additionally, I made an effort to uphold ideals like diversity and inclusivity. The recipes do, in fact, make reference to both Italian and international cuisines, as well as experiments and unconventional fixes. I want to draw your attention to the fact that many of the unusual foods I’ve chosen for you are suitable for people with food allergies. Very often, the doughs are made with gluten-free flours, while the fillings rarely contain lactose. This is a choice that apparently only benefits a limited category; in fact, the gluten-free and lactose-free ingredients are also excellent for those who do not suffer from absorption disorders.

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